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Talking Circle Galveston County
February 15, 2025
Our very own team member, Steve Schreck has started this peer-led support group local in our area. Please give it a read:​
Veteran/ Military /First Responder Talking Circle
Have you ever wished you could talk to someone that understands your thoughts, feelings and pain? Someone that can empathize, because they have had similar experiences?
Ancient American cultures used the Talking Circle ceremony as a way of sharing and responding to the warriors story and journey in a informal, confidential, nonjudgmental and respectful setting.
Participating in the Talking Circle encourages participants to speak their own truth, recognize our gifts, embrace growth in a setting of acceptance of oneself and others. With those that understand the struggles and obstacles faced by Veterans / Military / First Responders (those currently or having served) and those retired from service. ​​

THIS IS NOT THERAPY, THERE ARE NO CLINICIANS. But it is therapeutic being heard by others living your same truth. This is not religious, but can be enlightening. Nothing is being sold or promoted. But, you may learn through others what has worked for them. And learn about available resources that have helped others.
This is not sitting around trying to one-up another’s journey by telling “war stores”. Although stories are told as part of our journey to healing. It is about being heard by a group of peers experiencing similar struggles.
It is not about giving or getting advice. It is a safe place to be heard by brethren (men and woman) that are also surviving or have served and may be struggling.
No one is required to talk, however, trust within the group is based on building a relationship with others in the group. This is accomplished by sharing your truth, whatever that may be, without judgement.
The Talking Circle:
Is a peer led support group that is open to all Veterans and First Responders regardless of status.
Is way of getting plugged into a community of like-minded people with similar experiences.
Offers a opportunity to talk openly about struggles, process thoughts and feelings, celebrate breakthroughs and victories in a nonjudgmental supportive setting.
Is a place where your journey and your story is heard.
Aim is to reduce the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress among Veterans and First Responders leading to a healthier life and aid in reducing Veteran and First Responder suicides through proactive prevention.
Is a traditional practice of the first Americans. Sitting in a circle sharing stories, thoughts and experiences in a respectful and mindful manner, used for community building, healing and decision making, with an emphasis on listening deeply to each other.
Equality and Respect:
Everyone in the circle has an opportunity to speak and the focus is on active listening without interruption.
Sacred Space:
The circle is a sacred space where people can share openly with their vulnerability protected. The circle itself represents unity, connection and safety.
For more information: Steven Schreck / email: steveschreck@ymail.com
Feature: VIDEO Galveston Police Chaplain Program
The video highlights the vital role chaplains have played in supporting the officers at the Galveston Police Department. It’s not only a powerful testament to their impact but also a reflection of the GCCISM team’s collaboration with the Galveston Police Department.
What is CISM?
Critical Incidents are highly stressful situations. Simply put, a critical incident is a traumatic event (or perceived life-threatening event) that has sufficient power to overwhelm an individual’s ability to cope. Normal physical and psychological responses occur which places considerable pressure upon that person.
About the Galveston County CISM Team
We have all experienced crisis, trauma, and difficult situations, and sometimes we need some help coping! Please take advantage of our CISM team! We are here to assist you and your agency. We have peers, mental health clinicians, chaplains, spouse peers, and more. Never feel alone or abandoned. We are a brotherhood and always here to help.
Need Help? Call Us
To request the team's services please call:
For more information, please contact us:
Shari Forward
Executive Director
Amanda Groller
Clinical Director

How Can We Help You?
Please reach out to us if you have any questions, comments, or would like to learn more about our team.

Who We Serve